Sunday, September 30, 2012

Using Food That Is in Season

Petrol costs adding pounds to the weekly shopping bill? There may not be any local shops near you. But you can still make some changes to your shopping habits.
A busy family life may mean you do your food shopping once a week. You probably use your nearest large supermarket. It's the most efficient thing to do. Or is it? It may take you up to thirty minutes to get to the supermarket. Doing the actual shop can take an hour. Getting home and putting it all away; another couple of hours. So at the very least, you spend 2-4 hours every week, shopping.
Shop local, shop in season
Spread that out to three trips locally of an hour at most. The first saving then is in time. You may be convinced that supermarkets are cheaper. Check your supermarket receipt. Using a local butcher, fishmonger, and greengrocer can work out cheaper. Walking or cycling there may add time - but it will be healthier and cheaper than driving. So that's another saving. Local shops are more likely to use fresh local produce, particularly greengrocers. That means they will only have the produce that is in-season. That may sound limiting - but actually it can make you more creative. You also need to shift your mind set.
Buy only what you can carry.
  • Buy only what's in season.
  • Don't be tempted by BOGOFF (buy one get one free) offers, unless you know you will use the product.
  • Run a check on your fridge. How much extra stuff is thrown out?
  • Plan family meals 2-3 days ahead
  • Make a list of what you need - stick to it!
  • Ask the shopkeeper for help - they will be delighted to advise you
Farmers Markets, Doorstep Deliveries
Even if you don't have shops near you, you can shop locally. More individual shops and food producers are offering to deliver. You can order veg and fruit boxes online. You will get a selection of fresh produce delivered to your door weekly. Having only a limited selection of produce makes you more inventive! Get the kids involved. Get them to help peel that big butternut squash for curry! Prices for a box of mixed veg and fruit vary. £8-£10 may seem a lot for one type of food. But look at that supermarket receipt again. Add up all the fruit and veg on that and you may get a shock.
Finally, consider farmers markets. Again you may think they are more expensive. Find out where your nearest one takes place and go along. They usually have quality local produce. The stallholders are great sources of ideas for things to do with their products. It can be a great day out for the kids. And you will be helping support and keep the local economy in your area.
Writes about the topics of best buys for families and notes that a useful tip is to use a supermarket price comparison tool in order to save on your grocery spending. Planning your family food spend in advance ensures that you are getting the best value for money whilst saving too.

Monday, September 24, 2012

History Of Soybeans

articles that claim soy products have wonderful health benefits: prevents cancer, reduces menopausal symptoms, and lowers risk of heart disease. At the same time you can find differing research that claims soy causes brain damage, breast and prostate cancer, thyroid disorders, and disrupts endocrine function. What is the History of Soy? Where did it come from and how did it get here?
History Of Soy: What Was Soy Used For Originally?
Soybeans have been used for 5,000 years. Originally, it is thought soybeans were not eaten in China, but used as a crop rotation to fix nitrogen into the soil. The soybean did not serve as a food until the discovery of fermentation techniques, some time during the Chou Dynasty. The first soy foods were fermented products like tempeh, natto, miso and soy sauce.
History Of Soybeans: Entry Into the United States
In our country, soybeans were introduced to America in 1765 by Samuel Bowen, a sailor who had visited China. He grew soy in Georgia and even made soy sauce for export. Soy grew in importance during the great depression. Dust bowl regions of the United States were able to replenish their soil because of the soybean's ability to 'fix' nitrogen into the soil.
The Magic Bean, The Beginnings Of Manufacturing
Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company was a great leader in the soybean industry. He spent over one million dollars on soybean research. By 1935, every Ford car had soy involved in its manufacture. For example, soybean oil was used to paint the car and used as fluid in the shock absorbers. Ford promoted the soybean, both in industrial and food uses. His interest led to soy-based plastics used to make auto body panels, as well as the first commercial soy milk, ice cream and nondairy whipped topping.
Manufacturing Soybean Processes
Soy products are not something you can 'whip-up' in your kitchen. The unprocessed soy bean contains substances that are poisonous to humans. To create a food product from soy beans, the beans are mashed and alkalizing agents are added. The fiber is removed, then the beans are washed in acid in large, aluminum vats. The resulting mixture is subjected to very high temperatures. A centrifuge is used to separate the solids from the liquid and the resulting protein powder is used as an ingredient in cake mixes, baby food, salad dressings, ice cream, pet food, smoothies, and anywhere a stabilizer and texture enhancer is needed.
History Of Soybeans: Expansion and Modification
During World War II, soybeans became much more important in the U.S. as a substitute for protein foods, a source of edible oil and a fertilizer for crops. In the 60's, the U.S. exported 90% of the world's soybeans. Today, the U.S is one of 5 top producers of soybeans in the world. The bulk of today's crop (80%) goes to the feeding of farm animals on a huge industrial scale never seen before.
History Of Soy: Genetic Modificathon
Soybeans are one of the "biotech food" crops that have been genetically modified. In 1995, Monsanto Company introduced Roundup Ready soybeans that have been genetically modified to be resistant to Monsanto's herbicide Roundup. In 1997, about 8% of soybeans produced in the United States were genetically modified. 13 years later, 93% of soybeans commercially harvested are genetically modified. This directly led to a problem with export to some regions. For instance, the European Union will not accept foods genetically modified. This has caused shipments to be rejected and has put a premium on non-GM soy.
Soy beans have a long history of cultivation. They've only recently (in the last 100 years) been the subject of intense scrutiny for a cheap and plentiful food source. From the fermented soy products used as flavor enhancers in the orient, to a major protein source in the west, soy can be found in many processed foods packaged in the US. In my next article, I talk about some of the recent research done with the safety of soy products in our food supply.
Cynthia Simmons is a Weight Management Consultant. She recently found a wonderful solution to her long term weight problem. She has personally helped many people manage their weight loss safely without drugs or being hungry. Her long-term goal is to build a team of happy, healthy people to share this life-saving information with others suffering from the same weight problems she had.To find out more about Cynthia, see History Of Soy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Why Bacon Is Healthy

It is part of our culture, glamorized in fast food advertisements and served at breakfast tables around the country. Who can resist that irresistible crunch and savory taste that only bacon can provide? However, despite its delicious reputation, bacon has long been considered dangerous to our health. Critics have cited bacon's high fat, cholesterol, sodium, and nitrite levels as health detractors, to the extent where bacon is seen as an indulgence to avoid. New evidence, however, shows that this long-standing belief may not be justified. Check out why bacon is actually good for you.
Healthy Fat
Bacon's main attraction is its high fat content. Half of the fat in bacon is monounsaturated, made up mostly of oleic acid, the same kind of acid found in healthy olive oil. Another type found in bacon, palmitoleic acid, has valuable antimicrobial properties that add to the health benefits of bacon. While the other forty percent of bacon fat consists of saturated fat, this saturated fat is actually healthy! It helps to keep bacon fat stable and prevents it from going rancid. Other benefits of bacon fat include high levels of vitamin D and high antioxidant levels.
Necessary Cholesterol
Another concern of critics is a high cholesterol level in bacon. However, new evidence shows that dietary cholesterol is actually important for us to consume and is not associated with increased risk of heart disease or other health problems. Furthermore, cholesterol is even necessary to regulate our hormones and bodily functions. Oxidized cholesterol, however, can contribute to these health risks. This type of cholesterol is often found in powdered milk and powdered egg in processed food, and can be responsible for heart disease. It is important to avoid this processed cholesterol, and supply your body with natural cholesterol like from bacon.
Important Salt
The high salt content of bacon has also caused fears, as nutritionists often warn of the dangers of sodium. However, salt is actually very important and necessary for correct bodily function. For example, it is used to create blood, sweat, tears, and mucus in our bodies. Low-salt diets can even increase the chance of heart disease, osteoporosis, and hypertension. Today, Americans eat half as much salt as in the times before refrigeration when meat was preserved with salting. Even animals know the importance of salt, as they seek out sources for sodium, such as salt licks. There is therefore no reason to avoid bacon because of its salt content. In fact, the extra salt might even make you healthier!
In summary, the fat, cholesterol, and salt in bacon is nothing to be concerned with. These things are all important to out diets and should be consumed regularly. However, the one thing to watch out for in bacon is preservatives added to extend the shelf life. In processed bacon there are usually several artificial preservatives added, such as nitrates. These are a problem in most processed meats and can cause health problems. To avoid these it is best practice to buy fresh, natural bacon. Then you can enjoy your delicious and nutritious breakfast, bacon and all!
Eli Hart.
Find out what other surprising foods are incredibly good for you. At Fat Killing Food our goal is to spread the word on the secret foods that make the fat melt away! Check us out to discover the foods big corporations don't want you to know about.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Food Processing Equipment

in fact, it is a requirement. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, food production has greatly increased. Mass production of food became a priority as the populations in cities began to grow. Smaller farms in rural areas were still needed, but were not able to keep up with the growing demands for food. Because of this, food processing equipment that could create a large amount of food in a short amount of time was needed.
Shortly after the industrial revolution, or some may say, during the industrial revolution, food production companies started to form, with massive factories being built to satisfy the need of food for the populace. Over the next decades, and even continuing on today, engineering food processing equipment became a priority. Processing machines needed to satisfy many requirements. Some of these requirements, in no particular order, is the ability to create a great tasting food, ability to create food quickly and efficiently, the ease of use of the equipment, and of course price of equipment, which included the on going cost of equipment maintenance. For each factory, many professionals were needed in order to satisfy these requirements. These professional included engineers, food scientists, and facility managers. These individuals needed to come together to design a factory capable of creating great tasting food in large quantities in a short amount of time.
The types of equipment used for production vary, but some of the common pieces of equipment are tanks for storage of materials, conveyors to move the food between the equipment, and depending on what you are trying to make, other large pieces of equipment. Most food production facilities will have food storage tanks.. These tanks are usually food grade stainless steel, however, it is common to see steel and fiberglass tanks as well being used in prnduction. Other important pieces of equipment depend on the category of food being produced. Beverage equipment, a large industry in its own, requires not only tanks to hold the ingredients, but also mixers and agitators, chillers and coolers, and bottle fillers. For example, a chocolate processing plant may require a chocolate conche to mix the chocolate, a heated kettle to keep the chocolate at a desired temperature, and packaging equipment to package the chocolate once it is processed and refined.
Food processing equipment is a large industry in the world and makes up for a considerable amount of revenue. The food processing industry employs a great number of people in the world, including in factories. These individuals manage the food processing equipment and make sure that the production operation runs smoothly. Large food production companies sometimes by used food processing equipment in order to reduce their costs. This is a common occurrence because the price of new food processing equipment is very expensive. There are many companies who specialized in used food processing equipment, and a main used commodity is used tanks.
Overall, the food industry is always growing, as there is always a need for food processing equipment. Food processing requires collaboration of many professionals in order to reach the food production goals.
If you are intrigued with the different types of food processing equipment, you can take a look at the vast array of types of machinery on the market, such as used tanks.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Thailand Improves Quality and Safety In The Food Industry

Thailand has been hard-hit economically, socially and even politically. Despite the misfortunes, it has vivaciously struggled and drudged along in the global market by continuously trying to promote and expand its exports.
But with the expected export growth dropped down to 4.5%, from the previous projection of 12.8% earlier this year, it begs the question "why import from Thailand" or more specifically "what products can we import from Thailand".
With its mangrove and tropical area with a fertile ecosystem, seafood such as shrimps, crabs and lobsters come in abundant quantity that are fresh and of high quality. Thailand is known to be the world's second largest producer of shrimp, just behind China.
Halal Foods
Thailand is emerging as a more prominent halal food exporter, having earned sixth place in the global market share and ranking 15th in the world and 1st in Asia. Thanks to an abundant supply of fresh food in the country, halal food is increasingly becoming popular both domestically and for international exports.
Last year, Thailand exported halal food to over 57 countries with a 43.35% increase year-on-year.
The Deputy Commerce Minister Poom Sarapol was optimistic when stating that Thailand will become a leader in halal food exports in the future.
Thai Halal Food Industry has definitely made an impact on Thailand's manufacturing capabilities and export offerings.
Frozen Food and Ready to Eat Meals
Recently there is a significant growth in the frozen food and ready-to-eat meal production in Thailand. Manufacturers have majorly improved quality standards and flavors while product offerings have branched out even further.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Assessing The Suitability Of Banquet Chairs For Various Events

the quality of the chair, including its design, size and the material used to make it, should always be considered.
It is common to find banquet chairs used as seats in many events. Organizers of events are seen to have preference over banquet chairs over other types of chairs in the events they set up. Aside from the fact that these chairs are known to be more comfortable than most, they can also be used in various events or occasions. It is also easier and simpler to maintain them and care for them. Of course, that would depend largely on the material they are made of. Overall, the chairs are a favorite because they have versatility in design and material used. They are easy to transport and you can easily store them by stacking them. Their transportability and portability also increase if they happen to be of the foldable design.
Events will definitely have a lot more substance if banquet chairs are used. The theme of the occasion should coincide with the design, shape and color of the chairs themselves, which is why a lot of planning should be made when making a choice of the chairs. Granted that all the features and attributes mentioned give the chairs a good image, but nothing lacks flaws. There are bound to be some drawbacks or problems, both major and minor, in these banquet chairs.
The first drawback you are most likely to encounter is the cost. If you run a catering business, or an events organization business, you will need a good number of chairs, and in a stock of different sizes and design. The cost of buying such a volume of chairs is not cheap, yet your budget will depend on the type of chair materials you will buy. An event would look really professional if metal banquet chairs are used, even if they are quite on the bulky or heavy side. You can also choose to buy plastic chairs, but they can prove to be more expensive than the metal chairs. They have the advantage of being lighter, though.
The positive side of it is they will be long-lasting business assets, which is if you handle and maintain them properly. When you have to host a big event, you will not bother will issues of hiring extra chairs if you have a good number in stock. You do not have to worry during the slower or off-peak seasons, too, because you can hire out the banquet chairs to those who need them.
As you focus on cost, you will touch on comfort and durability of the chairs. Comfort should most definitely be considered. After all, these are metal chairs we're talking about. It is no wonder, then, that cushions are often placed on these metal chairs. Your budget would increase considerably if you have to take into account the cushion covers that will have to be used. Compared to metal chairs, the plastic ones would prove to be easier and more comfortable to set up. They are rather expensive, though, and that's something you shouldn't forget. If you manage to find banquet chairs that are made of both metal and plastic, you already have comfort and durability covered. Metal tends to rust, plastic does not, and plastic will add that element of comfort in the chairs instead of have the expensive option of cushioned metal banquet chairs.
Storage will be the other issue of concern. You cannot expect the chairs to never require repairs. They become old, they get scratched and damaged from repeated stacking and storing. That is a flaw with the chairs that many need to come to terms with. You may put all preventive care and maintenance measures but still it would happen. But that doesn't mean that you should be careless in the storage and transport of these banquet chairs.
RedStone is considered the leading via the internet supplier of catering supplies for more details visit In just a short period of time, a robust distribution base has been created and a large number of satisfied customers rely on us to deliver in the UK.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Health Benefits of Smoked Salmon

smoked fish, including smoked salmon, could contribute to colon and stomach cancers. The good news is that the nitrates and nitrites which it contains after the smoking process are at such low levels that you would have to eat more than you could manage at one sitting for them to cause you any significant harm. It is good for you, although it is best for women past childbearing age and for men. Children and pregnant women are advised to only eat two portions (140 gram portions) of it a week.
Fresh salmon contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than smoked salmon, but as people in the West tend not to have enough of these in their diets, smoked salmon and other oily fish are very good sources. These Omega-3 fatty acids help keep the skin from aging and are beneficial for the heart and brain.
Smoked salmon also contains some of the B-complex vitamins, notably vitamins B1, B6 and B12, making it good for the nerves and bones. It also contains the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D, so is a useful way of getting this vitamin in the long cold winters of the Northern Hemisphere. It contains selenium too, a mineral which is useful for women going through the menopause, and post-menopausal women. It is also a source of phosphorus, copper, potassium, iron and calcium as well as smaller amounts of other minerals.
The smoking process, if it is hot smoked, means that the parasites which are present in fresh salmon are killed. However, fresh wild salmon is a healthier option. The problem with smoking any fish is that it contains higher amounts of sodium than fresh fish. Therefore it is not recommended that people with heart disease or high blood pressure eat this fish. One portion of smoked salmon contains just a little less sodium than the recommended daily dose for those with heart problems and hypertension. If salt is not a problem in your diet, then go ahead and eat smoked salmon (if you like it) in moderation.
Smoked salmon is very low in calories and perfect for a diet, as it provides you with protein as well as vitamins and minerals. In fact you can add smoked salmon to sauces and serve it with pasta, or simply put it on some brown bread spread with cream cheese and top it with a teaspoonful of black caviar. You can substitute the cream cheese with natural cottage cheese if you are on a calorie controlled diet.
Smoked salmon is healthy and of course very tasty, so as long as you are not pregnant or a child, you can eat it twice a week in moderation. Enjoy it! Personally I can't get enough of it!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Top Sushi Fish and How They Benefit Your Health

the most popular Japanese Food, is becoming higher in demand all the time and its easy to see why. The combination of seasoned rice married with roasted seaweed and fresh fish is not only satisfying, it is also kind to the body. Check out the numerous health benefits of these popular sushi fish:
Bluefin and Yellowfin Tuna
Bluefin also goes by akami, chu-toro, or o-toro and yellowfin is sometimes called ahi tuna. Whatever you call it, tuna is one of the most popular fish selected for sushi. Its rich flavor and deep color make it an excellent choice.
Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are shown to improve eye health, prevent cancer, clarify the mind, lift the mood, and combat type 2 diabetes. Not only that, but tuna is a rich source of selenium which helps to produce enzymes that clean the liver, helping the body to better detoxify itself.
Also called unagi, eel is commonly covered in a thick sweet soy sauce. Eel is chocked full of vitamins like A, D, E, and B. In some parts of Europe and Japan, eel is sold in pill form as a health-boosting supplement. It is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
You might also see this scrumptious fish labeled as Hamachi or Kona Kampachi. Yellowtail is a rich and fatty fish with a delicately sweet flavor.
This deep sea delicacy is also a better source of omega-3 fatty acids than any other fish on this list. Among this healthy fat's many benefits are helping with depression, lowering blood pressure, and battling inflammatory conditions like arthritis.
Much like yellowtail, salmon is known for its slightly sweet and rich taste. Also, like every fish listed here, salmon is an excellent source of protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Not only that, but it is also full of vitamins A, B, and D which help to energize, boost immunity, and protect bones.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Rise of Food Festivals in Wales

A huge change has occurred on the food festival scene in Wales in recent times. Starting with just a handful of food festivals in Wales they are now big business and have become definite dates in the culinary calendar of many.
One of the most famous food festivals held in Wales is the Abergavenny food festival. It started 14 years ago with just 2,500 people attending on a wet Sunday, it is now attended by some 35,00 people and is a firm favourite not just in the culinary world but for local businesses and trader too. The food festival brings a huge increase of trade for local businesses.
There is now a total of 15 food based festivals in Wales including Abergavenny Food Festival, Mold Food Festival, Conwy Feast and Llangollen Food and Drink Festival. A desire to know where our food has come from is believed to have increased the demand for festivals such as these with people much more interested in local produce and supporting local food producers.
All senses are bombarded as you walk along the rows of artisan food stalls and smell the aromas of freshly cooked produce, no matter whether it is a sizzling hot chilli or a traditional sticky toffee pudding. All these artisan food producers have the skill to entice customers to try some of their produce as they walk by.
Many people will not accept the processed TV dinners that have been with us for so long and are turning their backs on all this unhealthy food for locally produced fresh food from producers such as those stallholders at the Abergavenny Food Festival.
The food festival this year had over 200 producers from Wales the Marches and area close by. The Abergavenny Food Festival has something for everyone not just rows of stalls with food to taste. There are workshops for children and celebrity chef demonstrations as well as events taking place inside Abergavenny Castle. A real treat for anyone remotely interested in food and is well worth a visit, each September.
Ecat Finalists now Announced
The newly launched Event Caterers Team Challenge (Ecats) at The Restaurant Show 2012 has been announced. The Ecats was launched to bring together the very best of private event caterers across the United Kingdom. It tests them to their limits in the delivery of corporate events, weddings, outdoor events and private events.
Ecats is in association with the craft guild of chefs and this event is set to get the competition theatre bustling with expectation on the 8th October at Earls Court. The finalists include teams of 4-5 people they are from the following establishments:
Red Anywhere
Fish Face Event Catering
CH&Co Catering Ltd
Sodexo Prestige
Purple Grape Catering
Richmond caterers
Ecats was invented to celebrate the wonderful talents of event chefs in catering, these talented chefs often wet overlooked as they do not have a restaurant or hotel of their own from which to showcase all their work. The chefs have been set the task of a real outside catering event. This event will be the perfect platform from which the talented chefs will be able to show everyone across the industry their best skills.
The competition brief is as follows:
"The catering company has been approached by a partner in a London city law firm who wants to organise a surprise birthday party for his partner in business who will be 50 years young on 31st October. As this is Halloween he has decided that it is to be themed as a black

Friday, August 3, 2012

Mobile Catering: Fast Food on Hot Wheels

a talent for cooking delicious food. It is a business that is not only very profitable but would also leave the owner enough time to spend with the family. It can be started on a small scale and expanded gradually as it starts to grow. Running a mobile catering vehicle can also be quite useful for people who for some reason have to move around a lot and need a good source of income. But like all businesses, this one also needs a bit of thought and a bit of planning before jumping into it.
First of all, it is necessary to find a good vehicle. Mobile caterers depend very much on the quality of their vehicles to keep the business running. For newcomers in this field it will be advisable to find a second hand vehicle that already has all the equipment installed. Buying a brand new vehicle and refurbishing it with new equipment can be very expensive. It would be a good idea to do a bit of research and analysis on the type of vehicle required and the most affordable place to get it. The second point that one needs to consider is, who the business is going to cater to. Festival caterers set up their stalls at a carnival, fair, or religious celebrations. They sell food items that are in keeping with the theme of the celebration. Many caterers choose to specialize exclusively in festival catering or event catering, designing their whole business around it.
Other people prefer to do site catering, crew catering or location catering. They help out with options such as feeding a security force. If there is a large catering requirement needed for a large group of people at a specific location, such caterers can help out with it. Such catering units pride themselves on being able to function in the most challenging of environments. The vehicles carry their own power, water, and their own freezer units. Many catering units are very good at hog roast which they can serve at weddings and functions, indoors or outdoors!
During the planning stage, it is important to plan the kind of food that is going to be served at the stall. The kitchen equipment will have to be chosen according to this. If the cooking involves grilling and baking, then it is necessary to buy griddles and ovens. If the plan is to sell cold cuts and salads then cold shelves and refrigerators will be necessary. The mobile catering unit wnuld also need to be equipped with coffee machines, blenders, boilers, ice makers, and smoothie machines. It would be a good idea before starting the business to conduct a little bit of research on the food. After all, one needs to know which food items are in demand and which ones are not. One should also plan on what prices the food items are going to be offered at. With the right plan, a mobile catering business can be very profitable.
Karoline Ortenza is the author of this article on mobile catering. Find more information, about mobile caterers here

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Understanding The Qualities Of The Best Catering Equipment Suppliers That You Can Find

Well, selecting a catering equipment supplier can indeed be an uphill task if one is not equipped with some of the vital information that need to be considered in the selection process. Here is what you need to look out for when selecting a supplier.
This is one of the factors that differentiate between quality service providers and the low quality service providers. Clients are more attracted to businesses that have a reputation of delivering services professionally. One of the sure ways of becoming a professional catering equipment supplier is by employing qualified and experienced personnel. By selecting a professional service provider you can be sure to get diligent and transparent treatment before and after service delivery.
Advancement in technology has led to the development of new catering equipment that is more advanced, efficient and reliable. You can improve the quality of your catering services by using these new equipments available in all leading stores all across the globe. The equipments will help prepare quality foods timely hence clients won't have to wait for long before the food is ready. This will in turn help to ensure a steady supply of items to your clients. Developing a working relationship with the equipment manufacturers can help you get hold of the best equipments in the market. These networks can also help to provide the much need professional advice on how to take care of the equipments in order to derive maximum benefits.
Different catering equipment suppliers charge varying price tags on their equipments depending on the magnitude of the service. Terms and conditions that govern the whole transaction also play a role in the price negotiations. It's advisable to formulate prices that are specifically tailored made to help clients save money for other financial needs. Offer deals such as discounts regular so as to attract new clients to your business.
Reliable and Convenient
To succeed in the catering industry you have to nurture a positive reputation among potential and current clients so as to safeguard your market base. One of the easiest ways to do this is by ensuring that you supply the equipments within the stipulated time. Avoid causing inconveniencing by regularly carrying out maintenance practices on your equipments. Most successful suppliers in this niche have set a transport network that helps in accessing clients nn matter the distance limitations. Hence it's advisable to come up with as transport strategy to help you transport the goods to clients safely and fast.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Real Facts About Eggs Say It IS The Perfect Food

yet enormously complex, the egg is one of nature's marvels. The real facts about eggs have been scrambled in recent years, as they've gotten a bad rap for being high in cholesterol and fat. This singular view has ignored the enormous benefit of fresh eggs to the human body and the entire culinary world.
Nature designed the egg as the food source for developing chicks. Eggs, in particular chicken eggs, are also an excellent food for humans because of their high protein content, low cost and ready availability.
The most nutritious eggs ARE the freshest, from your local farm. Nutrition declines with age in an egg that must be shipped across the state or the country. Often, eggs must be additionally treated for such a long journey, even if that means exposing them to unnatural treatment until purchased by you.
One of the stunning facts about eggs comes from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which has created a scale to measure the efficiency with which protein is used for growth in the human body. This is called a "Biological Value".
Egg contains the highest quality food protein known. Based on essential amino acids it provides, egg protein is second only to mother's milk for human nutrition. On a scale with 100 representing the top efficiency, eggs are rated at 93.7 percent in protein efficiency.
One of the many beneficial elements in an egg is called Biotin, one of the B vitamins which play an important role in cell metabolism and the utilization of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the human body. Biotin is present in egg yolk. An egg white omelet may have less fat, certainly has no flavor, but also omits this important B vitamin.
While eggs are widely known as breakfast entrees, they also perform in many other ways for the knowledgeable cook. Their cooking properties are so varied, that they have been called "the cement that holds the castle of cuisine together".
When you know the true facts about eggs, you'll realize that there is barely an area of the kitchen, for the professional or the home cook that eggs don't touch.
Eggs can:
1) Bind - meatloaves, Lasagna, croquettes
2) Leaven - baked goods, souffles, and sponge cakes
3) Thicken - as in custards and sauces
4) Emulsify - mayonnaise, salad dressings, hollandaise sauce
5) Coat or Glaze - cookies or breads
6) Clarify soups - to make consomme
7) Inhibit crystallization - in boiled candies and frostings
8) Garnish - chopped egg whites and/or yolks give a finishing touch.
Eggs are composed of three basic parts, the shell, the yolk and albumen. The shell is made of calcium carbonate, and prevents microbes from entering as well as moisture from escaping. It's the casing that protects the egg during handling and transport. The color of the egg shell is determined by the breed of the hen and has no bearing on its nutritional value or flavor.
The egg yolk is the yellow portion of the egg which takes up only 1/3 of the egg's mass, but accounts for three-quarters of all the calories, minerals, vitamins, and all of the fat. The yolk contains lecithin, which is an emulsifier that enables us to make mayonnaise, dressings, and hollandaise sauce.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Three Things To Consider Before Finalizing Your Event Catering

People may forget about the decor of the event once they leave your party, but they will always remember the food. Hence it is very vital to select the best caterers for your event that you can possibly afford. Here are a few things to consider when you decide your event catering:
Know your budget
Your budget is extremely important. Most of the time, you will get what you pay for. If you find catering services that are very cheap, it is quite possible that the food may just consist of a few dishes. If the price is too expensive, most probably this is because the ingredients of the food are also expensive or the dishes are too many. The decision is really up to you. It also depends on the number of guests that you have invited to your event.
When researching the price of the event catering services, do make sure to ask for the features included such as number of servings, dishes, menu as well as the crew who will participate in the event.
Reputation and Client testimonials
It is important to know the reputation of the catering services. The reviews or testimonials from other people will give you a hint about how they serve. If they have a website, you can check on them easily. You can even ask your friends or loved ones if they know a catering service that works great.
It is much better to choose a catering service which has an official website so that you can contact them easily and you can also read the feedback from their past consumers. If they have social media presence, then it is even more helpful as it may be possible to reach out to some of their past clients to get a firsthand feedback on their services.
The Food
At the end of the day though, the food must taste awesome. This will make your visitors enjoy your event. If you know your guests well, then make sure that when you choose the food, you choose different varieties that may be acceptable to all your guests. If you are aware that some of your visitors are vegetarians, then you will need to ensure that you have included vegetarian food in your event menu.
Most event catering services will allow you to taste their food prior to the actual event. It is

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Plan a Thanksgiving Party in Your Office?

Thanksgiving waiting to strike the opening bell, invitations are being extended everywhere and menus are being finalized. Soon the holiday season will begin and the offices will remain closed; but how about organizing a party at your office just before that? The workplace is after all where you spend a major part of your day; so, why not make it a part of your celebrations too? With a host of modern-day event management solutions available it is not at all difficult to plan a Thanksgiving office party. Simply opt for the best Thanksgiving party registration solution, and the rest will simply fall in place.
Here are a few Thanksgiving office party tricks, which you may consider depending on the size of your workplace:
Let us start with smaller party plans. For example, if you are working in a relatively large organization with numerous departments, and you want to restrict your celebration to your own department, coordinate pot luck amongst your colleagues. Include all the must-have food areas such as turkey, cranberry sauce, assorted salads, drinks, and desserts, and your colleagues will just love it. You can manage the invitations and food arrangement on your own with a little help from a few of your acquaintances, but it always helps if you opt for a Thanksgiving event registration solution which also has an in-built emailing tool to send out quick invites.
The software makes the registration process much simpler allowing your guests to access the online forms at their own time of convenience. Online registration also makes managing the accounts more accurate and convenient. If you create an account with the solution provider for the Thanksgiving purpose, it will be easier for your guests to deposit their contributions online. If you are in charge of keeping accounts, this system will, in turn, enable you to keep a track on which of your colleagues have already contributed and who are still left to pay the amount fixed for the potluck.
Creating an account for a purpose such as this might seem like an extravagant investment, but then you should not forget that Thanksgiving is an annual occasion. Next year, when you will be assigned with the task of planning a similar event before the Thanksgiving Day, this account will come in so handy. So, go ahead with the plan and enable your guests to make the payment online, a mode they are most comfortable availing.
Now, coming to slightly large scale Thanksgiving parties, the event registration solution will surely be your best choice to zero in on such an occasion. You can create and publish a thanksgiving event and party registration page online with the help of the software in minutes. The page can be customized with signature Thanksgiving themes such as autumn leaves, a scarecrow's face, pumpkins, cornucopia, or a pilgrim's hat, apart from the usual office logo, and tiered pricing categories.
By accessing this page anytime during the day, attendees will be able to get the information about the party and the venue and make their payment decisions accordingly. The best part

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Organizing a Class Party: Is It Difficult?

at organizing parties then you must take the initiate to host a class party for your kid in school. It is a good way to let the children relax and have some fun time with their friends and teachers. You can put in the minimum effort to arrange a small event. Kids are very easy to please; they derive happiness from such simple things in life - chocolates, cookies, dolls for girls, and electronic cars for boys.
Send invitations to all the parents asking them help to help out with the preparations. Interested ones will immediately get back to you with their suggestions and voluntary support. An easy way to send invites is via the emailing software. It is quick and you get a confirmation notification on the successful delivery of the email. You can request parents to share their ideas - what they think of the class party and how the event can be made unique and exciting.
With regards to arranging the decorative items, snacks, fruit juices, and options for games and contests, delegate some of the volunteer parents to take charge. When you solicit their support, you get more people following your event closely. This is how you automatically get the required help and also some innovative ideas from diverse parents.
Decorate the whole classroom with colorful balloons, paper birds, and glittering stars. These things can be purchased at affordable rates from retail stores or art and craft shops. Parents can design hand-printed birds and stars at home as well from recycled paper. You can order food and drinks from the local store that supplies farm fresh items. Don't forget to keep plenty of chocolates and cookies for the little ones to enjoy in between playing and participating in contests.
Get the kids to dress up beautifully - the girls can choose to become an angel or a butterfly while the boys can look like super heroes or a funny faced clown. Ask them to bring their own games to play in class. If the school has a playground, arrange for a game of tug of war or even a sack race. Most children tend to enjoy games that generate excitement easily. Get the teachers involved in the proceedings as well. Assign them the role of judges. Finally, remember to send an email to all the parents at least 2-3 days before the party reminding them to bring all the stuff needed for the occasion.
Jonathan is a professional trainer. He employs latest technology for online class registration and online training registration that results in more attendance and ROI.